As promised - a picture of 2 finished projects

Just a short post to show you the picture of 2 finished projects, as promised. The top is Burda 10/2005-114 and the skirt is a KnipMode pattern from 1998. (I'm aware of the fact that wearing this top doesn't show the topstitching of the skirt, but that's ok). It looks like the hem is uneven but that's just me posing in a hand-on-hip position. I promise you, the hem is very even. And I already posted about the fabric, that it has a very shiny silvery inside. Now it's photographed with a flashlight, the fibers seem to reflect this light, which, I promise!, is absolutely not the case in normal light. (And the flashlight is also, I think, the reason for my pale complexion for I can assure you I look healthier in real life ;) Don't you just love it to be dressed completely in home-sewn garments? Always makes me feel kind-a pride. And then wait till somebody makes a nice comment about it so you can say in a (very) casual way: oh..well...I made it myself. Does not h...