Work gets in the usual...

The dress has a few fitting-issues though. First of all, the waistband was placed far too low. Not originally. But I lengthened the upper body with 4 cm. (A normal adjustment for me). Turned out I could easily have done with 2 cm. That would make the waistband fall into a much more natural place. The length (up-to-down) of the band was 10 cm. Waaaayyyyy too much!! I took off 3 cm. which is a real improvement. All of that was not that big a problem and could easily be solved.
More worrying is the fact that the front-upperparts that cross, are actually too long (hence the 2 cm. mentioned above). And since there is quite some diagonal pleating going on in the front, I must admit that my sewing skills (or should I say: my pattern-adjusting skills?) are not thát great that I know how to readjust this. The edges fall perfectly flat when I'm standing upstraight. And I mean really upstraight, in a soldier-kind of way. But just bending over a little bit makes the edges gape. So wearing a camisole under it will be necessary. But that's okay. It gives the dress a more casual look and that's what I want. It shouldn't look like a party-dress because I want to wear this to work. With boots preferably. And a belt...
Well, got to get some sleep now so, till the next time.
Gr. Lilian
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