
Showing posts from January, 2010

New fabric

After another energy-consuming week I must admit that I only looked at my sewingmachine but I never touched it. I have some things (nothing major) hassling me and I have to get them out of the way first. But I did however have some time left to buy new fabric! And if there's anything that can make me happy after a so-so week, it's new, gorgeous, fabric. After finishing the bathrobe I wanted to sew the pyjamas. But there really are other clothes I lack at the moment, especially skirts and trousers, so I decided to rearrange my plans and first sew up a skirt (or two). I really want to loose some weight and I always find that skirts are more forgiving when it comes to fitting when you get thinner. Trousers usually get too big very soon and there's nothing forgiving about that. That's the reason why I haven't sewn trousers in ages......because I'm trying to loose weight for ages now...hahaha... Well, they'll get their moment eventually. And I'm more a sk...

Bathrobe finished

The bathrobe is finished. I already traced and cut the pattern a few weeks ago. Yesterday I cut into the fabric, started sewing and today I finished it. Talking about instant-satisfaction! I'm super-glad with it. It's everything I hoped it would be. I made it extra-long (I'm tall). It's thick and warm. Everything a bathrobe should be imo. I played with the idea of modelling it for you, but decided on 'don't think so'. The pictures of this post tell you everything you need to know, anyway. Here's a more detailed picture: It's a very easy pattern. The hardest part about this garment was cutting through 2 layers of this fabric. My hand really hurt when I was finished.  As you can see in this linedrawing there are only a few details. No ingenious collar or anything, just a clean line with a facing all the way around. The pockets have cut-on facings you only have to fold over and stitch through. Don't tell anyone, but I cheated on the w...

Blouse finished and a little tutorial on rounded pockets

My first project of 2010 is finished. Considering it's already the 18th of the month, you can't really say that I've been very productive. But that's ok. I'm not gonna pressure myself. Sewing should be fun, not work (for me, that is). And I'm sure speed will pick up once the weather starts to improve. This blouse is a nice addition to my wardrobe. I'm not over the moon about it, but it's ok. This is the best picture I can give you. Photographing this fabric is hell. I've tried everything but the details just won't show well: And these are all the details you can't see in the picture: This blouse was almost a wadder. I wanted to iron a seam flat. It was quite wavery but I was sure I could fix that. So I ironed on the inside, stretched the fabric a bit and it looked better already. Then, without thinking, I turned the fabric and put my iron on the outer side. Immediately feeling that horrible sense you get when an iron is too hot for...

Chinese.....anyone ?

我是天山,等待一輪明月 Does anyone have a clue what's written here? It's a comment on my latest post. Placed by someone, or company?, named RING. Clicking on the name leads you to a blog with very few words. In Chinese. Only one page, no pictures. Name of the blog: RING. After the comment a series of dots are typed. I saw that they were a link and I was too curious not to check what it was linked to. That appeared to be something like an over-18 kind of site. In Chinese. I read on many of your blogs that you were (or are?) being bombarded with all kinds of advertisement comments. I guess they found me too now. But it's really annoying that I can't read it. I deleted the comment already but I copied it to this post. D*mn........can't stand not knowing. So if you can help me out here? On a much more sadder note.....some of you may have noticed that I have placed 'counterflag' on my blog. A funny tool to see how many persons visited your site and which co...

It's been a slippery week

I'm treating myself on this: because of this: I think they can cope: And I hope théy can too: It's bloody cold (pardonnez le mot), and the snow is not falling down but it's blowing horizontal as the wind is quite strong. Which makes it feel ever so cold. I really hope all the animals are coping. I hung some birdfood in the trees but it seems so little to be really helpful. I did my grocerie-shopping yesterday-evening, as we were warned for this kind of weather. Boy, am I glad I did!! (The weatherconditions in our country are nothing compared to the ones some of you are experiencing right now, but bear in mind that we are not used to extreme conditions here). I wished these four pictures were pictures about sewing. Well, what can I say? My first week hasn't been very productive. I'm glad it's over though and I hope the next one will be a bit better. Why was my week bad? On monday I had my car...

New year, new plans.

Can I say I'm glad things are starting to go back to normal? The end of the year festivities certainly put a hold on my sewing and I'm glad I can get back into gear to start with all the things I have planned. And these are my plans for the near future. In the order in which I have planned to make them. (Sorry for the sometimes crappy layout). 1. Blouse / KnipMode 1998-12-23. I love this blouse for its slim fit and the way the buttons are fastened: with little loopholes made from the same fabric. I made this one before but I now have to go up 2 sizes. It wás rather small than to be honest. The green fabric I bought in my local store some time ago. Don't know what kind of fabric it is but it feels soft. It looks a bit like suede and has just enough body for a nice blouse. 2. Bathrobe / Knipmode 2003-12-01 I have been wanting to make one for a long time, and am now also desperately in need of one as the old one starts to get holes in it. Not much to say abo...