Oops....I did it again

My dress is finished. And I had big plans of showing It to you while I was wearing it. But yesterday I had a little accident. I sprained my ankle. I was on the bottom step of the stairs, fooling around with the cat who was at the top. We had a lot of fun. But when I turned around to walk away I forgot that I was still on the first step and my foot landed in the wrong way. I thought I heard a sound in my ankle and for a moment I was afraid something was broken. But I could still stand on it and walk with it, actually without any extra pain, so I decided not to see a doctor. But later that evening, after resting for a few hours, I got up from the couch and it was very painful to walk on. The pain stayed while I was not moving. So I feared the worst. Luckily this morning the pain had gone for 90%. Walking is still difficult so I just didn't feel like getting all dolled up for a picture. I'm sure you'll understa...