Skirt finished

Burda 2010-09 / 106B Phewww...that was a lot of handsewing. But it was worth every stitch. I'm really pleased with this skirt. In the picture I combined the skirt with my 'Vincent'-top, ánd my new boots. It's just a pity that the picture won't show the details. And believe me, I took a zillion pictures of me wearing it. Trying different light, flashlight - no flashlight, but it just wouldn't work. A close-up of a flat skirt however will do the trick (colour is a bit washed-out, due to my camera not doing what I want it to do): And an even closer close-up: And this is me, posing as a real model, LOL. (Makes the skirt look a bit awkward though....): The inside is not really interesting but just to show you that I lined the skirt completely: This was the last of 4 (!) posts about this skirt. So that will do. Time to look foward. I already mentioned I'm thinking of making a knit-dress next. I have three great knit-fabrics, especially bought for ...