Sunny Sunday in Volendam (picture-heavy)

Sunday I took a trip with a friend and her husband to Volendam. A little town in the Netherlands which is known abroad for its local costumes and folklore. But known in the Netherlands mainly for the neverending list of musicians, singers and groups that originate from this town. Anyway, they are known (and famous) mostly in our country. It was a very sunny and warm day but since Volendam is a port-town there's always a nice sea-breeze to cool it down a bit. And I used a great (new) sunblock-cream. No red skin on my body!! Which is a good (and healthy) thing. Only once a year they have a weekend with special Volendam Celebrations. We didn't know it was held this weekend, so we were very lucky. It meant much more costumes on the street then on other days, lovely live music, choirs and lots of other festivities. Of course I took pictures. Here's an impression: Typical houses Want a boat? Anyone?? View from the terrace where we had our (first) coffee. ...