The fruits of my sewcation - #1 Pink cardigan

Last week I was enjoying a much needed vacation, which in fact has been a sewcation, just as planned. The muscles in my neck and back are sore from sitting in an unhealthy position. (Note to self: must do something about that position!) I managed to sew a cardigan, a skirt, a dress and I took some time on pants-fitting. Each item will get its own blogpost because I’ve decided that, apart from informing (inspiring?) you, I want this blog to be a documentation of what I have sewn. So let’s start with the cardigan in a fuchsiapink, very pretty lace jersey. ( Here you can read about the first time I made this cardigan. ) The colour is almost a neon pink, but surprisingly enough it is totally wearable and I like it on me. Here I'm wearing it with a lilac tanktop. A colourful combination! without the belt (I prefer it closed though...) I’m still on the fence about wether I like it as a garment In other words: if I will wear it or not. The major pro...