Good News!

That's right. Finally the moment has arrived that I can say: "I got a new JOOOB!" After this weekend I'll start working as an executive assistant, at a regional education centre, which includes 20 schools that provide Preparatory and Secondary Vocational Education and Training. (For my Dutch readers: it's an ROC). The jobdescription is just my cup of tea. I already met a few people and I am really looking forward to working with them. There's another executive assistant I will be working with closely (we share an office) and I have a feeling we will be getting along just fine. It's only 25 kilometers from my house and the building is just beautiful. I hope this will turn out to be a long-term job. But these days, who can tell. I'll start fulltime (40hrs) but there is a chance that some hours will be eliminated after a certain period. Ah well, I just can't worry about that right now. At this point, I only want to count my blessings. It wa...