From the sewingneedle to the crochetneedle

Don't worry. I am not trading my sewing for crocheting. It's just that I wanted to show you that I can do more than just spin the sewingmachine-wheel. In fact I have been doing artsy-crafty things throughout my whole life. I think I have been embroidering since I was 7 years old, and I had a booming knitting-period in my teen-years. But the last twenty years or so, not much has been going on in that area. Embroidering close to none. Knitting, euhm.....a few scarfs. And every now and then some crocheting. I didn't have any plans to pick up a crochet-project at all but recently I saw a very, very cute ball of yarn in the fabricstore and I thought immediately that it would be great to make something with it. And this is what I've done so far. Size-wise, I'm about halfway: The pattern is from an old book I've got. It looks very 'seventies-dated' to me. And these kind of little rugs are somewhat oldfashioned I think, but the changing colours of the yarn...